Creative Writing

Status:Active, open to new members
Kay Blackwell Tel: 01873 831566
When: Fortnightly on Thursday mornings
Meetings start at 10:30
Venue: Member's Home

To join this slightly zany but very individual group of writers, contact Kay Blackwell and join us at our next session.

“A Painting that means something to you” was the title of a recent Creative Writing group topic. There were various works of art, all having special meanings for the writers, some they owned, and others they just admired.

One was so impressed with the cover of E M Forster’s “A room with a view” that she hunted until she found a print that she could hang in her room, forever reminding her of her college days. Then there was the picture, seen in a gallery, and purchased as a self-congratulatory present on achieving hard-earned professional qualifications.

Another special painting was a gift from a mother to her daughter, lifting her spirits when she needed it most, and one which still hangs in her bedroom. And what about the painting done in junior school of the interior view of a house, complete with ‘Coronation Street’ on the television, which won first prize in the Welsh National Eisteddfod. The writer now only possesses newspaper clippings of her prize presentation, because she never saw her actual painting again after handing it in.

And one painting that could never be in the writer’s possession is the subject of another emotive story. While all the other paintings are unknown to most, this one is extremely famous, and the writer was able to take a photo of it hanging in The Mauritshuis Musem in The Hague.

Forthcoming events

10th October 2024
10:30 am
Group Meeting

24th October 2024
10:30 am
Group Meeting

31st October 2024
10:30 am
Group Meeting

Creative Writing Group

Visit to Penpergwm House At Penpergwm House we read some of our stories to the residents and listen to some they have written themselves. This time, we'll be reading our […]
Venue: Penpergwm House

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